Bus and Truck Accident Lawyer 

If a negligent bus or truck driver has caused you injury in Chicago or Lake County, you may be entitled to significant compensation. Call Brian Lewis today for a free consultation.

Over 25 Years of Experience Settling Truck Accident Injuries

Brian Lewis has successfully represented truck and bus accident victims for over 25 years. Through his dedication to his clients, Brian has secured settlements that help victims recover and move forward in peace, comfort, and safety.


Bus Injury 

When a client was crossing the street and got hit by a bus, Brian helped them reach this major settlement.



Automobile Collision

Settlement for a client hit while crossing outside of crosswalk.

Get a Bus and Truck Accident Lawyer in Your Corner

Bus or truck accidents can bring significant bodily harm, leading to disabilities, lost wages, medical debt, and other out-of-pocket costs. Brian Lewis has extensive experience helping victims recoup those losses and gain a sense of closure. With over 25 years of experience representing those injured by negligence under his belt, Brian is ready to hear your case, too. 

Find out if you’re eligible for significant compensation by scheduling a free consultation today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bus and Truck Accident Lawsuits

Is a truck accident lawyer expensive in Illinois?

Brian Lewis practices on a contingency basis, meaning you don’t pay anything  in legal fees until he wins your case. No up-front costs, no hourly fees.

How much can I win if I've been in a truck accident?

The amount of compensation that you are eligible for will depend on a number of factors that include, but is not limited to:

  • Injuries: If you required or still require medical care as a result of your injury, a settlement can help you recoup losses from medical bills. 
  • Expenses and loss of income: If your injuries were extensive to the point of having to miss work, Brian can fight to ensure you are able to regain any lost wages. Other forms of compensation revolve around property damage and other expenses paid out of pocket as a result of your injury.
  • Liability: In most personal injury cases, the insurance companies are the ones required to pay out. However, in cases of bus or truck accidents, you may be able to sue the trucking company, city, driver, or even parts manufacturer depending on what caused the incident in the first place. The amount you are awarded heavily depends on who is at fault and whether they are liable to be held accountable.

    Can I still win if I'm partially at fault?

    It is still possible to recover damages in Illinois, even if you are partially at fault. Due to a law called comparative negligence, “an injured party may recover damages only if he/she is 50% or less at fault for the injury or damages.” Additionally, you may only receive compensation based on what percentage of the fault is not yours. This means, for instance, that if you’re 20% responsible for the crash, the insurance company may subtract that percentage from the total settlement and only be required to pay 80% of the total damages.

    How long do I have to file a truck accident lawsuit?

    The statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim in Illinois is two years since the day of the accident. Two years may seem like a long time, but it’s always best to contact a truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. As time goes by, details may become fuzzy, evidence may be lost, and you may accidentally say something to the insurance companies that torpedoes your case without even realizing it.

    What do I do if I've been in a truck accident?

    First and foremost, seek medical attention, especially if you’ve been injured. Next, file a police report and do your best to document vehicular damage. Avoid speaking with insurance companies before contacting a local truck accident lawyer, if you can help it. 

    Having an expert like Brian Lewis on your side helps relieve the stress of dealing with insurance companies and significantly increases your chances of regaining lost expenses. He knows all the tricks that insurance companies use to avoid a payout; let him deal with them on your behalf.

    truck driving on road

    Additional Verdicts and Settlements Obtained By Brian

    Brian Lewis is an Experienced Bus and Truck Accident Lawyer 

    With over 25 years of experience, Brian Lewis has helped countless clients reach bus and truck accident settlements they deserve. Call now to schedule a no-obligation, free consultation to discuss your case and determine how much compensation you are entitled to. Medical bills, repair costs, lost wages, emotional damages, and more can pile up quickly. Brian can help you recoup those losses.

    Get in touch today to find out more.