The Lewis Law Firm Personal Injury Blog



Is Lane Splitting Legal in Illinois and Why?

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Illinois and Why?

What is Lane Splitting? Lane splitting is when a motorcycle drives between two occupied lanes, typically during heavy traffic. It also has a couple of other nicknames: whitelining and stripe-riding, since the bike rides on the white stripes that divide lanes. People...

What Are the Illinois Rules of Evidence and Why Do They Matter?

What Are the Illinois Rules of Evidence and Why Do They Matter?

Evidence is one of the most important aspects of any court case. During a trial, it paints as accurate a picture as possible of the events that brought people to the courtroom that day. Types of evidence can include physical objects, witness testimony, or video and...

How Long After a Car Accident Can You Claim Injury?

How Long After a Car Accident Can You Claim Injury?

Being in a car crash is almost always a jolting experience that often has one asking questions: what happened? Is everyone okay? What do I do now? A car crash can happen to anyone at any time, so it is important to know your options when it comes to being compensated...

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Lake Forest, IL 60045

Phone: 224.706.1112

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