The Lewis Law Firm Personal Injury Blog

Passenger Rights in Illinois Car Accidents: How to Get Compensation
Understanding your rights as a passenger in a car crash is essential to getting the compensation you deserve. Keep reading to learn more.

What is Implied Consent in Healthcare?
Being injured due to negligent care you haven’t been able to consent to can be traumatizing. Read more to learn about implied consent and your rights.

How is Fault Determined in a T-Bone Accident In Illinois?
T-bone accidents, which are also often referred to as side-impact or broadside collisions, are one of the most dangerous types of crash. As of 2019, t-bone accidents accounted for 18% of all traffic fatalities. T-bone crashes are caused by many of the same factors as...

What is Failure to Diagnose and Why Does it Matter?
In 2018, research showed that medical errors were the third-leading cause of death in the United States, behind only heart disease and cancer. Yes, you read that right — around 195,000 Americans die of preventable mistakes in hospitals every year. There are several...

The Collateral Source Rule in Illinois & the Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Cases
What is the Collateral Source Rule in Illinois? The collateral source rule dictates that evidence of payments to a plaintiff for personal injury from outside sources, such as insurance, is inadmissible in court. Any damages (aka monetary compensation) that might...

How to Calculate Pain and Suffering After Personal Injury in Illinois
What is Pain & Suffering in Illinois? Illinois defines pain and suffering as the emotional and physical distress that occurs from a physical injury. In any personal injury claim, you have economic damages (e.g., medical bills and lost wages) and non-economic...

How to Prove Negligence in Illinois
Negligence is a legal term that means failure to use reasonable care resulting in damage or injury to another. In a car crash, for instance, if a driver fails to keep a proper lookout (because they are adjusting the radio or checking their cell phone), they would be...
Lewis Law Firm Wins Major Appellate Court Decision
On September 30, 2021, the 1st District Appellate Court issued its ruling in favor of a young woman who was hit by a car and suffered life-altering brain injuries. In affirming the trial court’s decision to keep the case in Cook County where it was originally...

3 Insurance Tips That Will Save You Heartache and Get You More Money
Over the past few years, our team has noticed some alarming trends in car crash cases. We keep seeing the same pitfalls. Fortunately, we can protect ourselves against many of these problems. Here are some steps you can take to...

Types of Accident You Can Sue For and When to Sue
Being a victim of somebody else's negligence can take great tolls emotionally, physically, and financially. But depending on the situation at hand, you may be entitled to significant monetary compensation. This will allow you, at the very least, to pay your medical...
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